Teaching physio students about mental ill health


PAT COSH TRUST University of Melbourne physiotherapy educators Ryan McGrath, Karen Donald, Kim Allison and Tandy Hastings-Ison have teamed up with mental health researcher Michelle Lamblin to develop a program for students about mental health.

Degree of recognition - National

Media name/outlet - InMotion

Media type - Web

Country/Territory - Australia

Date - 30/07/18

Producer/Author - Melissa Trudinger

URL - https://australian.physio/inmotion/teaching-physio-students-about-mental-ill-health

Raising suicide awareness: A UK nurse and an Australian physio tell PhysioUpdate about their work


In a Q&A, PhysioUpdate editor Ian A McMillan, who was Frontline’s deputy editor at the time, caught up with Karen, who recently launched a survey on the support needs of family members and carers who have a relative or friend who has suicidal thoughts. Karen's column caught the attention of Australia-based physiotherapist Ryan McGrath and the pair are collaborating on a training webinar this month. Later in this article, Ryan tells us more about his work in the suicide field.

Degree of recognition - International

Media name/outlet - PhysioUpdate

Media type - Web

Country/Territory - United Kingdom

Date - 6/07/21

Producer/Author - Ian A McMillan

URL - https://www.physioupdate.co.uk/news/raising-suicide-awareness-a-uk-nurse-and-an-australian-physio-tell-physioupdate-about-their-work/

The Evidence: Research round-up


The Podiatrist is a professional magazine from the Royal College of Podiatry. The scholarly article "‘Collapsed Arches’, ‘Ripped Plantar Fasciae’, and ‘Heel Spurs’: The Painful Language of Plantar Heel Pain" by McGrath et al. (2022) was featured in the November/December issue of the magazine.

Degree of recognition - International

Media name/outlet - The Podiatrist

Media type - Web

Country/Territory - United Kingdom

Date - 01/11/22

URL - https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6271ff9815aa2851a7252cef/t/6369c829b0af515ffecf53c2/1667876908318/POD_NovDec22.045.pdf

Building research capacity and culture within rural health services


Ryan McGrath recently joined the Department of Rural Health at the University of Melbourne; he shares a dual role at Goulburn Valley Health in Shepparton to build research capacity and culture.

Approaching mental health with empathy


Members of the APA Mental Health group’s New South Wales branch consider the evolution of approaches to mental health within physiotherapy and how to support both patients and staff. Ryan McGrath reflects on his recent research, which suggests that physiotherapists feel unprepared for this emotional aspect of their work, with multiple interactions linked to empathy fatigue. This points to an urgent need for a more comprehensive approach to healthcare, integrating both physical and mental health competencies within physiotherapy practice.

Degree of recognition - National

Media name/outlet - InMotion

Media type - Web

Country/Territory - Australia

Date - 18/10/23

URL - https://australian.physio/inmotion/approaching-mental-health-empathy

Physiotherapy and mental health - are physios out of their depth?


Emerging data shows that physical therapy and mental health therapy are becoming more intertwined. There are an increasing number of patients who consult with a physio and have mental health issues simultaneously. However, another element that is also coming to light is that many physios around Australia feel ill-equipped to handle their patients’ mental health concerns. Physiotherapist and researcher, Ryan McGrath is currently completing a PhD at Charles Sturt University and has recently published the third paper from his ongoing PhD study. The three papers look at the interactions between physios and their patients who experience psychological issues. His study brings up an interesting point: there needs to be a much more broad approach to health and well-being.

Degree of recognition - National

Media name/outlet - HealthTimes

Media type - Web

Country/Territory - Australia

Date - 08/11/23

URLs - https://healthtimes.com.au/hub/physiotherapy/8/interview/rs/physiotherapy-and-mental-health-are-physios-out-of-their-depth/8305/

Five facts about suicide prevention in physiotherapy


Strategies for recognising suicidality and contributing to suicide prevention are within the scope of physiotherapy. Ellen Lake, Ryan McGrath and Sophie Shephard present five discussion points about suicide prevention in a clinical context.

Degree of recognition - National

Media name/outlet - InMotion

Media type - Web

Country/Territory - Australia

Date - 01/10/24

URL - https://australian.physio/inmotion/five-facts-about-suicide-prevention-physiotherapy